Our companies ELECTUS DGS d.o.o and ELECTUS USLUGE d.o.o. have implemented quality management and information security system in accordance with requests of ISO standardization ISO 9001:2015 i ISO 27001:2013.
Purpose of said system is to achieve the best possible level of quality of our services: payrolls, market research, product and services promotions, business consultancy and education, testing and interviewing of job candidates, with emphasis on IT safety.
This Policy is an integral part of our business policies and strategy of development of our company and has been set in accordance with clearly defined goals of integrated management system and adapted in accordance therewith.
ISO 9001 certificate
ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management systems as published by the ISO (International Standardization Organization) and it represents a guarantee that all respective processes and services have been undertaken in accordance with the conditions of quality management system. Implementation of the ISO 9001 system primarily affects the increase of the level of reliability of the services we provide but also increases the motivation of the employees and effectiveness of respective processes.

ISO 27001 certificate
In terms of information safety, the ISO 27001 corresponds to ISO 9001 as standardization of quality of services – it is a standard drafted by the world’s most renowned information safety experts and its purpose is to provide methodology of implementation of information safety in an organization. This certificate has a positive impact in reducing of risk to information crucial for an organization, which is not strictly limited to digital information.

In order for us to maintain and to positively reinforce said values, we hire competent and ambitious people and by doing so we thrive to fulfill the needs and expectations of our clients by providing quality services, by being flexible at what we do and by keeping all relevant deadlines, but always keeping emphasis on information safety. We continuously innovate in order to achieve maximum efficiency of what we do, we provide safety of personal data from all foreseeable dangers and continuously reduce relevant risks by effectively managing them and by undertaking of respective checks and controls.
We take special care of establishing partner relationships with our vendors/suppliers and always keep our business in line with all applicable laws. We are proud in the effort and time invested in obtaining these certificates for which we strongly believe that they will further contribute to the quality and effectiveness of our business.